Ricardo says that the cormorant tried to eat this chameleon cichlid Australoheros facetus. It took the fish and turned it to put it in the right position but unsuccessfully. Another cormorant had a try too but failed. These cichlids may be 30 cm. The cormorant stayed above water a bit then it dived and the story was left unfinished
Ricardo says that the cormorant tried to eat this chameleon cichlid Australoheros facetus. It took the fish and turned it to put it in the right position but unsuccessfully. Another cormorant had a try too but failed. These cichlids may be 30 cm. The cormorant stayed above water a bit then it dived and the story was left unfinished
Ricardo says that the cormorant tried to eat this chameleon cichlid Australoheros facetus. It took the fish and turned it to put it in the right position but unsuccessfully. Another cormorant had a try too but failed. These cichlids may be 30 cm. The cormorant stayed above water a bit then it dived and the story was left unfinished
The fishermen normally throw fish to the coast. There a neotropic cormorant and a rufescent tiger-heron were waiting. The cormorant got an Ossancora eigenmanni. Other cormorants approached. It was about to eat the fish, but a juvenile kept it and flew away with the prey
The fishermen normally throw fish to the coast. There a neotropic cormorant and a rufescent tiger-heron were waiting. The cormorant got an Ossancora eigenmanni. Other cormorants approached. It was about to eat the fish, but a juvenile kept it and flew away with the prey
The fishermen normally throw fish to the coast. There a neotropic cormorant and a rufescent tiger-heron were waiting. The cormorant got an Ossancora eigenmanni. Other cormorants approached. It was about to eat the fish, but a juvenile kept it and flew away with the prey
The fishermen normally throw fish to the coast. There a neotropic cormorant and a rufescent tiger-heron were waiting. The cormorant got an Ossancora eigenmanni. Other cormorants approached. It was about to eat the fish, but a juvenile kept it and flew away with the prey
The fishermen normally throw fish to the coast. There a neotropic cormorant and a rufescent tiger-heron were waiting. The cormorant got an Ossancora eigenmanni. Other cormorants approached. It was about to eat the fish, but a juvenile kept it and flew away with the prey
The fishermen normally throw fish to the coast. There a neotropic cormorant and a rufescent tiger-heron were waiting. The cormorant got an Ossancora eigenmanni. Other cormorants approached. It was about to eat the fish, but a juvenile kept it and flew away with the prey