Luckily there was a breeding record of Streaked Flycatcher.
Dolores tells us that "I remembered that I had seen a juvenile in the Middle Path on December, 30th. I did not send them since I did not consider it of any interest but that of staying long finding the best position to take a shot of the juvenile when it was being fed. But I only managed to photograph the juvenile with the fruit already in the mouth and the adult is not seen."
The Streaked Flycatcher is a migrant bird which nests in Costanera. Every year they fly back and forth from northern South America to Argentina. It breeds here and goes back north to spend the austral winter. Out of the seven recognized subspecies of Streaked Flycatcher, <em>Myiodynastes maculatus solitarius</em> is the one that migrates to Argentina.<br /><br />Year after year we can count on this flycatcher. They stay from October to March approximately. As they arrive they have to establish their territory. They make a lot of fuss when they chase each other with rapid flights manouvering among trees and singing loudly. It is difficult to follow the scene since they get out of sight easily. They also compete against other species for holes in trees, like those of woodpeckers', where they will nest.