Amazon and green kingfishers - males and females

The Amazon kingfisher rarely pops up at the reserve. But luckily shots are good enough to show the differences with the green kingfisher both in males and females.
Sharing the same habitat and behaviour we must find differences in physical characteristics. Size is significant between these two species, the Amazon being 9 cm longer than the green one. Bill's size is also to be taken into account.
Amazon Kingfisher
Chloroceryle amazona
Amazon Kingfisher
29-07-17 © Sergio Cusano
Lacks dots on upperwing coverts
Small and narrow white dot in front of eye
Bill higher and longer than head
Green Kingfisher
Chloroceryle americana
Green Kingfisher
11-01-14 © Elsa y Guillermo Marcaida
White dots on all coverts
Lacks white dot
Bill shorter and as big as head
Amazon Kingfisher
Chloroceryle amazona
Amazon Kingfisher
14-05-16 © Sergio Cusano
Pectoral band incomplete
Lacks dots on upperwing coverts
Small and narrow white dot in front of eye
Bill higher and longer than head
Green Kingfisher
Chloroceryle americana
Green Kingfisher
22-07-17 © Sergio Cusano
Two bands: pectoral complete and ventral incomplete
White dots on all coverts
Lacks white dot
Bill shorter and as big as head