Black-backed stilt - Courthsip and mating

The black-backed stilt is a resident bird which breeds in Costanera. It is slender and has pink long legs and black and white plumage. Intermingling with other birds at the verge of the ponds the stilt stands out easily for its height and contrasting colour. The mating ritual of the black-backed stilt consists of a sequence of displays which lasts some three minutes. It can be divided in three stages: courtship, copulation and postcopulation. The courtship stage, during which the female shows receptivity while the male responds to the stimulus with a sequence of displays. The copulation stage, where physical contact is made: the "cloacal kiss". And the postcopulation stage, the end of the ritual.
Southern Screamer
22-07-06 © Roberto Ares
Southern Screamer
22-07-06 © Roberto Ares
Southern Screamer
22-07-06 © Roberto Ares
Southern Screamer
22-07-06 © Roberto Ares
Southern Screamer
22-07-06 © Roberto Ares
Southern Screamer
22-07-06 © Roberto Ares
Male displays: The male performs a series of movements repeating the displays. It preens, dips the bill in the water, blows splashing water, changes sides, pecks at the female's back. The female shows receptivity. She stands still with the upper part of the body stretched forward and slightly bent downwards like a seesaw
Southern Screamer
22-07-06 © Roberto Ares
Southern Screamer
22-07-06 © Roberto Ares
Copulation: The male jumps on the female´s back. The female twists the tail to facilitate the contact of the cloacae. To achieve full physical contact the male takes the female by the bill. The contact of the cloacae is known as the cloacal kiss.
Poscopulation: The male dismounts and "embraces" her by covering her with one wing. They cross their bills and keep them crossed as they walk for a little while. Bond reaffirmation display: protection and commitment.
22-07-06 © Roberto Ares

Photos in video format. Courtship and mating