The same owl photographed by Hugo and Ricardo at 12 is the one that later fell on the ground when Marco was present. The owl was attended at the Center.
Marco tells us his experience with the owl. "I was completely shocked to see this owl. After a while I see the bird rock. At the very beginning I thought it was normal (I knew nothing about owl behaviour) that it was sleeping and gave little importance to it. But suddenly, it rocked too much and fell on the ground. There was no one in the cabin so I went to the nursery where I met two people in a truck. I told them what had happened and took them to the place. There the owl was lying motionless on the ground. The guys took the owl to the Raptors' Center. They thought the owl had eaten something in bad condition. At least it is safe now. "
We are in touch with the Raptors' Center to know about his health