Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur

Sitio realizado por aficionados a la observación de aves desde 10 de enero 2006

Jagged ambush bug - Phymata sp.

Orden Hemiptera
Familia Reduviidae
Jagged ambush bug
30-04-19 © Lucas Rubio
Jagged ambush bug
30-04-19 © Lucas Rubio
Jagged ambush bug
12-02-17 © Pablo Serur
They are called ambush bug after their habit of stalking to attack by surprise. They look quite odd. They have powerful forelegs with teethlike structures on both the upper and lower parts of each leg which work like pincers. As they hold the prey they insert the rostrum to suck the body liquids out. They are generalist predators and feed on a variety of arthropods. They can capture preys ten or more times their own size.