Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur

Sitio realizado por aficionados a la observación de aves desde 10 de enero 2006

South American palm borer - Paysandisia archon

Order Lepidoptera
Family Castniidae
This moth has diurnal habits. The larvae are very harmful to the palms they feed on. They bore galleries in the trunk and stems causing great damage. Different palm genera are taken as hosts. Native to us it arrived in other countries due to palm exportation and it is already considered a matter of concern.
South American palm borer
26-01-13 © Victoria Mansilla
South American palm borer
16-03-19 © J. Simón Tagtachian
South American palm borer
16-03-19 © Héctor Horacio García
South American palm borer
16-03-19 © J. Simón Tagtachian