Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur

Sitio realizado por aficionados a la observación de aves desde 10 de enero 2006

Silver Teal - Anas versicolor

Order: Anseriformes - Family: Anatidae Status: Resident - Abundant - Breeder. Habitat: Ponds

All records since January 2014
Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© Nicolás Giorgio
Dark brown crown and nape. Buffy face and throat. Rear third of the body silvery gray finely barred black. Upperparts splashed blackish
Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© J. Simón Tagtachian
Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© J. Simón Tagtachian
Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© Gustavo F. Brahamian
Two-coloured speculum: green sheen between two white bands. Underparts speckled black. Flanks barred. Bluish bill with yellow base
Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© Sergio Cusano
Subtle differences between male and female
Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© J. Simón Tagtachian Pato capuchino/Sivler Teal© J. Simón Tagtachian
The differences between the male and the female of the Silver Teal are so subtle that they are considered a monomorphic species in guides. To begin with there is size, the male is bigger than the female, which is difficult to appreciate. It is easier to use differences in color. In these two photos three can be seen: the colour of the bill and the legs and the barred pattern of the tail The male bill is strongly coloured. That of the female is paler. Male legs are yellow. Female legs are grey. The barred pattern of the male tail is finer than that of the female.
Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© Carlos González Ledo
Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© J. Simón Tagtachian
Bobbing heads before mating 30 10 10 © Roberto Ares
Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© Judith Sandberg Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© Judith Sandberg
Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© Roberto Ares Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© Roberto Ares
Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© Roberto Ares Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© Roberto Ares
Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© Carlos González Ledo Pato capuchino/Silver Teal© Carlos González Ledo
More photographic records since January 2013