Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur

Sitio realizado por aficionados a la observación de aves desde 10 de enero 2006

Great Grebe - Podiceps major

Order: Podicipediformes - Familiy: Podicipedidae Habitat: Ponds and Río de la Plata

All records since January 2014
Macá grande/Great Grebe© Nicolás Giorgio
Long neck. Long and pointed bill. Greyish with white neck in basic or non-breeding plumage
Macá grande/Great Grebe© Gustavo Fernando Brahamian
Blackish back and rufous neck in alternate or breeding plumage
Macá grande/Great Grebe© Nicolás giorgio
Detail of wing design
Macá grande/Great Grebe
Macá grande/Great Grebe
© J. Simón Tagtachian
When at rest it holds the neck over the back inserting the bill in between the body and the neck

© Reginaldo Lejarraga

Macá grande/Great Grebe Macá grande/Great Grebe
Macá grande/Great Grebe Macá grande/Great Grebe
Macá grande/Great Grebe Macá grande/Great Grebe
Macá grande/Great Grebe Macá grande/Great Grebe
Macá grande/Great Grebe Macá grande/Great Grebe
We were watching this pair of Great Grebe for more than 20 minutes. She was at the floating islet, watching and arranging sticks. He was catching fish as shown in the last photos. It was long trying to swallow one. I thought he could not make it but in fact he did. A bit later it got near the islet and she began to stretch her neck waving it. A couple of minutes later she got off the islet and both swam. We did not see them come back to the islet while we were there. 12 6 16 © Photos and text by Claudia Mon
Great Grebe Podicpes major 30 7 16 © Cora Rimoldi A promising pair in Coypu Pond
Macá grande/Great Grebe
Macá grande/Great Grebe8 7 16 © Gustavo F. Brahamian
Macá grande/Great Grebe26-9-2010 © Carlos González Ledo
Macá grande/Great Grebe26-9-2010 © Carlos González Ledo
On Sunday 26th almost 30 Great Grebes were observed along the coast. As the tide was high some ventured near the reeds to catch fish and were lucky. It seemed there was plenty of fish to forage. The group was composed of juveniles and adults. Macá grande/Great Grebe2-10-2010 © Roberto Ares
On Saturday 2nd fewer individuals were observed. The tide was much lower, so they were farther from the coast
Macá grande/Great Grebe© J. Simón Tagtachian Macá grande/Great Grebe© Nicolás Giorgio
Macá grande/Great Grebe© Dolores Fernández Macá grande/Great Grebe© Milano-Muszkats
Macá grande/Great Grebe
More photographic records since January 2013